

Operator: (LARACIBUS)

     Logical operators: (B)

     Arithmetic operators: (B)

     Relational operators: (B)

     Assignment operators: (B)

     Conditional operators: (T)

     Increment and decrement operators: (U)

     Bitwise operators: (B)

     Special operators:

      Unary(U): operator has only one operand.

                  <operator> <operand>;
                  <operand> <operator>;

       Binary(B): operator has two operands.

                   <operand1> operator <operand2>;

       Ternary(T): operator has three operands.

                   <Variable> = <(condition)>? <true part of condition> :
                   <false part of condition>;



printf & scanf Statement

printf : It is use to print any message or value of any variable.




        printf("message <control_string>",variable);



     Message: Message that you want to print on console.

     Variable: Variable name which value you want to print.


scanf : It is use to read value of variable from user(console).


        scanf("message <control_string>”,&variable1,&variable2,...&variable);


how to get value from user or console and print it on console?

how to get value from user or console and print it on console?

Scan and Print value of Variable

File Name: "file_name.c"


void main()
int a;
printf("enter a value of a:");
scanf("%d",&a); //scan the value of a from console
printf("value of a =%d",a);



Variable & Data Type

Variable & Data Type

Variable: A variable is a data name that may be used to store a data value.

     Primary data_type:


               <data_type> <variable _name>; //declaration


               <data_type> <variable_name> = <Value>; //declaration & assignment

     User define data_type:

          typedef: “type definition” allows to users to define an identifier that would represent an existing data_type.


                typedef <data_type> <identifier>;

          enum: “enumerated” data_type allows declaring variables that can have one of the values enclosed within the braces (known as “enumeration”).        


                enum <identifier> {Value1, Value2, Value3, ...ValueN};



  • Variable name must be beginning with the letter.Some systems permit underscore (“_”) as the first character.
  • ANSI standard recognize a length of 31 characters. But length should not be more than 8 characters, since only first 8 characters are treated as significant by compiler (C99 supports 63 characters).
  • Uppercase and lowercase are distinguished.
  • Variable name should not be a “keyword
  • White space” is not allowed.

Simple program

Simple program

printf Statement

File Name:"file_name.c"


void main()
printf("Hello !!!");




Basic Structure of c program

Basic Structure of C program

Documentation Section: - It includes a comment statement that gives detail information about program.

Linking Section: - It provide introduction to compiler about linked functions and included library files (header files).

Definition Section: - Define all symbolic constant.

Global Declaration Section: - Variables that are declared globally which are available in all function in program.

Main () function Section: - Every c program has only one main function in which program code is written and it content two parts.

Note: By default return type of main function is “int”.

Declaration Part: - All variables must be declared before it used or executable part.

Execution part: - Executable code should be written in this section. There should be at least one statement in this part which contains instructions to perform given task.


  • The declaration and executable part must be written in between the opening and closing braces.

  • All statements in the declaration part must end with the semicolon.

  • C is a case sensitive programming language. It means in C printf and Printf will have different meanings.

  • C has a free-form line structure.

  • Multiple statements can be one the same line.

  • White Spaces (ie tab space and space bar ) are ignored.

Sub program Section: - It contents all user define functions which are called in main function.



Introduction to C language

C language easy tutorial

C is a general-purpose high level language that was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie for the Unix operating system. It was first implemented on the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11 computer in 1972.

• Simple and Easy to learn
• Structured language
• It procedure oriented programing language
• It can handle low-level activities.
• It can be compiled on a different type of computers.
• It is platform depended language.

Facts about C

• UNIX operating system was written in C language
• C is a modified language of B which was introduced around 1970
• The language was formalized in 1988 by the American National Standard Institue (ANSI).
• Unix Os was almost written in C by 1973.
• Nowadays C is widely used System Programming Language.
• Most of the state of the art software have been implemented using C like google,adobe system,mozila,etc..

Why to use C ?

Applications of C Language:
• Operating Systems
• Text Editors
• Language Compilers
• Print Spoilers
• Language Interpreters
• Network Drivers
• Modern Programs
• Assemblers
• Utilities
• Data Bases

Program File

All the C programs are written into text files with extension ".c" for example "file_name.c". You can use "vi" or “turbo C” editor to write your C program into a file.


When you write any program in C language then to run that program you need to compile that program using a C Compiler which converts your program into a language understandable by a computer. This is called machine language (ie. binary format). So before proceeding, make sure you have C Compiler available at your computer. It comes alongwith all flavors of Unix and Linux.

Click this link and download turbo C